Blue Rose


Blue Rose

Blue Rose

Blue Rose is a game in which the players take the role of heroes in the world of Aldea, a setting inspired by works of the romantic fantasy genre. Connections to other characters matter as much as combat skills and magic in these stories of solving mysteries, righting wrongs, and daring heroics.

2024-02-15 jorm

Green Ronin Publishing, LLC

Jeremy Crawford, Dawn Elliot, Steve Kenson, Alejandro Melchor, John Snead, Jack Norris, Chris Pramas

Stephanie Pui-Mun Law (Cover); Phillip Lienau, Charlie Creber, Leanna Crossan, Stanislav Dikolenko, Olga Drebas, Bien Flores, Brian Hagan, Claudia Ianniciello, David Keen, Patricia Kim, Irina Kovalova, Stephanie Pui-Mun Law, Marie Magny, Kira Mayer, M. Wayne Miller, Victor Leza Moreno, Johnny Morrow, Mirco Paganessi, Magdalena Pągowska, Tamires Para, Eric Quigley, Aaron Riley, Richard Sashigane, Alida Saxon, Cory Trego-Erdner, Andrey Vasilchenko, and Damon Westenhofer

Chris Pramas