

Fifteen years ago, the Age of Thunder ended with the Darkfall, a horrific supernatural cataclysm of unknown origin! For more than a decade, the people of Aden have struggled to survive against the horrible creatures known as Nocturnals, fighting for every resource in a world that barely resembles its former glory! The forces of steel, magic, technology, and the hybrid art of mechamagic are now brought to bear as never before against the enemies of civilization!

Join forces with the likes of Radiant Order paladins from Arasteen, brilliant mechamages from Urbana with their powerful golem servitors, master wizards from the ruins of Aramyst, and the prowess of the Steamwright’s Guild and the Thunder Scouts, bringing their technological mastery to the battlefield!

Survival is by no means certain, but the heroes of Aden will never surrender!

2024-05-11 jorm

Kyoudai Games, LLC

Shawn Carman & Alan Bahr

Kim Wong Lim (Cover); Biagio d’Alessandro, Mike Brodu, Jake Cheatham, Edwin David, Robert Denton, John Donahue, Jason Engle, Jerry Linscott, Diego Gisbert Llorens, Enmanuel “Lema” Martinez, Paul Meador, Tanyaporn Sangsnit, Shen Fei, Kim Wong Lim, Jeff Porter, Lok Shang Weng, Matt Zeilinger (Interior)

Kyoudai Games, LLC